Tuesday, 6 August 2013
We claim compensation of the following policies:
1. OC owner of the vehicle, which caused damage - in the case of road accidents,
2. oc of the road - in the case of vehicle damage caused by the state of the road surface,
3. other policies lodgings, which include insurance perpetrator damage to a vehicle or property,
4. AC policy of the vehicle - in the case of:
- The owner or driver of the vehicle caused damage,
- When the damage occurs due to force majeure, covered by insurance in accordance with the Terms and Conditions,
- Theft,
5. policies of property (real estate, moving parts, accessories, etc.) - in the case of random events covered by insurance in accordance with the General Conditions of Insurance.
Traffic accidents:
a) the vehicle oc:
- A claim for payment of the cost of repairs due to understate the rate per man-hour (RBG) and unlawful use of depreciation (such cases are the most)
- Claim for payment of compensation by the loss of the total - the TU underestimates the value of the vehicle from damage and inflate the value of the wreck
- A claim for refund of rent a replacement vehicle
- A claim for refund of VAT wrongly deducted, if the victim is not subject to VAT and not counting it when purchasing a vehicle,
- A claim for reimbursement towing and parking
- The claim for lost market value of the vehicle (UWRP)
- Claim for payment of the entire amount of compensation in the event of a negative decision
b) oc entity that is responsible for the damage:
claim for vehicle repair damaged as a result of uneven ground, falling tiles or snow thrown off trees, etc.
- a claim is subject to the conditions set out policy.
c) damage to the vehicle with AC owner - all based on the General Conditions of Insurance
-Claim for payment of compensation for the repair - if TU has applied the reduction, which does not comply with the T & Cs
- Claim for payment of compensation by the loss of the total - the TU underestimates - the value of the vehicle from damage and inflate the value of the wreck,
- Further claims only under the AC policy and Terms and Conditions,
- Claim for payment of the entire amount of compensation in the event of a negative decision
Accidents at work
Accidents at work happen very often, but unfortunately not all victims know that they may belong to them compensation. Compensation not only Social Security but also of employers liability insurance. The accidents often occur due to lack of proper training, omissions, employers and other workers, job security niewłaścowego, damaged or unsecured equipment and many other factors.
If you succumb to an accident at work, no fault of your own then please contact us as soon as possible with the European Centre for Compensation SA, because it could be because you deserve compensation for the loss of health, loss of income, pension compensatory damages for medical expenses incurred and travel to health care facilities not only Social Security but also liability insurance company. Please contact us immediately, even if you are not sure whether you are entitled to compensation, our lawyers will verify your case free of charge and provide information on the possibility of obtaining compensation. European Centre for Compensation SA effectively reaches high compensation after an accident at work, so no initial fees and paperwork, we can also assist you in obtaining such compensation.
Who should be compensated?
If you do not know whether you should be compensated, the easiest way is to simply contact the company by phone or via the short form. Most agencies will examine your case and inform you about the compensation claimsm. In the event that you were interested in entrusting his affairs lawyers will be able to do so without incurring any costs in advance. Mostly pay a percentage of the commission earned compensation, which will be deducted when they have received compensation. So there is not any costs payable in advance, because such services are used by even the poorest victims. Lawyers usually work according to the principle "No win no fee" which means that no consideration is taken for if we could not get compensation.
Customers have the opportunity to use the services of top-notch lawyers to give higher compensation than they would pursue their own rights.
Important to know
People injured in accidents must have:
- full legal
- assistance in establishing accountability and meeting the evidence
- assistance in obtaining medical records from hospitals, documents from the Police, Prosecution and Courts
- assessment of the consequences of the accident by doctors in lists of expert witnesses
- advice on completing documentation for further studies and visits to other specialists
- verification rulings on behalf of insurance companies
- rehabilitation
- help of a psychologist and a psychiatrist
- reparation for harm suffered due to physical and mental suffering
- reimbursement of hospital and community-acquired in-class medical specialists
- refund of the purchase of medicines, rehabilitation equipment
- offset the loss of revenue
- care costs of third parties
- reimbursement adequate or better nutrition
- reimbursement of travel expenses related to the treatment, as well as visiting relatives
- in the case of incapacity for work, loss of income equalizing pension
- in the case of increased reimbursement
It is worth remembering that while insurance companies offer an average of 700 - 1200 zł for one percent of bodily injury, the courts recognize even 2000 - 6000 zł. Our main advantages: long experience in four European countries and performed more than 70,000 cases, make it like no one else know how to talk with insurance companies.
What is compensation?
Odszkodowanie ubezpieczeniowe – to w ramach ubezpieczeń gospodarczych (na zasadzie gwarancyjno-repartycyjnej) odszkodowanie, którego obowiązek świadczenia spoczywa na ubezpieczycielu. Podstawą wypłaty odszkodowania będzie umowa ubezpieczenia określona w art. 805 kodeksu cywilnego zawarta dobrowolnie lub wykonaniu nakazu ustawowego (zob. np. Ustawa z dnia 22 maja 2003 r. o ubezpieczeniach obowiązkowych).
Odszkodowanie ubezpieczeniowe z tytułu odpowiedzialności cywilnej zobowiązanego, poza szkodą majątkową (damnum emergens) obejmuje także utracone korzyści (lucrum cessans), a w szkodach na osobie może obejmować także zadośćuczynienie za doznaną krzywdę.
Pomoc w uzyskaniu odszkodowania ubezpieczeniowego świadczy Rzecznik Ubezpieczonych, na podstawie ustawy z dnia 22 maja 2003 r. o nadzorze ubezpieczeniowym i emerytalnym oraz Rzeczniku Ubezpieczonych. Pomoc można też znaleźć w komercyjnych biurach doradztwa ubezpieczeniowego.
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